PHOTOS: Winter Scenery on the Grounds of the Seminary of the Immaculate Conception in Lloyd Harbor

There’s a stark beauty to the winter scenery surrounding us in the Huntington-area.

Bare tree limbs reach towards the sky. During the daily sunrises and sunsets, the crisp colors on the cold weather horizon aren’t hidden behind summer’s lush foliage, but remain on full display; visible for the appreciation of all.

The sun paints the skies in reds, yellow, and oranges while dry grasses and autumn’s fallen leaves, still littering the ground, softly reflect some of the same colors back.

The surface of the water, seemingly always visible in our coastline communities, plays its tricks with the light. Endless variations of ripples, reflections, and glistening sparkles appear as the cold winds push the water into motion.

Sometimes, freshly fallen snow clings to the tree trunks and branches; just long enough for us to be mindful of the visual splendor of this fleeting season before mid-morning sun melts the snowflakes into water, dripping into the frozen soil below.

Scroll down for a few photos of winter scenery taken on the grounds of the Seminary of the Immaculate Conception in Lloyd Harbor by Dr. Kristen Memoli, Psychologist.

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